Protocols are built on top of one another, and consequentially sometimes you have to transmit information about one protocol over another one in the “stack” (or layer). Besides DNS, which is slightly orthoganol to this, when we look at HTTP what kind of standardisation which drafts are passing information to and from which protocols, and why?

To answer this, about a year ago I pulled every draft I could find and mapped it out. Whilst we describe protocols like HTTP and TLS to only be “client/server”, in reality many of these specifications are when a proxy or load balancer are involved and one connection for one protocol stops and another separate session begins. What the diagram below shows is for each protocol which protocol conveys information to which other besides its own.

Diagram showing intersections between draft documnents Original Image ⤴

From this visualisation there are several patterns that emerge - firstly the need for proxy servers to tell clients information about their connectivity to origin but from the proxy server’s perspective and not so much from the origin’s perspective. This information about TLS and TCP/UDP connectivity gets bubbled up into the client’s HTTP response with use case covering diagnostic purposes, but with somtimes implications for an application on the client to change behaviour, say falling back to a different host or throttling requests but these are not intrinsic to the specifications.

Secondly is the use cases around TLS certificate presentation and negotiation, using HTTP as a means to present additional certificates and negotiation post-handshake, leading to complications that more tightly couple the state of a TLS connection to the HTTP server. In some use cases this may ultimately be a good thing, optimising existing connections and not forcing a complete restart of the TCP or TLS session at the cost of this coupling and the complexity associated with it.


Because clients are more likely than not to be web browsers, privacy and security with regards to information leakage will continue to remain a concern. Part the reason we decided to not move forward with draft-ohanlon-transport-info-header at the end of the day is that many raised issues of exposing such low level connection information as it could be used for user fingerprinting if mishandled even if it has value in exposing that data to inform video streaming use cases, where congestion detection may change the player to change behaviour.

I haven’t covered QUIC here, which may see some possible new patterns where a load balancer or proxy could transmit origin information such as timestamps or spin bit to help inform end-to-end latency measure and not just client to it’s next hop. All of that could remain at the transport layer and not have to be encapsulated into HTTP/3, simplifying things.


HTTP 1.1 and 2 are not going away any time soon and even in a potential future where QUIC and HTTP 3 make up a majority stake of HTTP traffic we’ll continue to see the former being used to serve from origin servers. Although we largely define these protocols in simplistic client and server models, in reality they always have multiple, variable tiers of interactions for proxies, load balancers and the likes, and information exchange of session data should factor in those patterns - RFC 8586 is one such example.

Finally I think that the quic, tls, and httpbis working groups should continue to be mindful of the way in which information and control data is used between the protocols to prevent the proverbial tail wagging the dog.